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Community Liaison Group

Engagement with the local community and with stakeholders has been an important part of our work since the very beginning. As an Anglesey company we are aware of the importance of communicating with residents, businesses and organisations in the area. This is why we have set up our Community Liaison Group.
Members have been invited to take part and they represent local groups and charities, residents, businesses and key stakeholders. Meetings are quarterly and take place in person. 
To learn more about the group's work and to learn who can take part contact us.
You can read the terms of reference and minutes of meetings of the Community Liaison Group here: Morlais Community Liaison Group Terms of Reference

2022_05_09 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2022_09_26 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2022_12_06 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2023_03_07 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2023_06_06 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2023_09_05 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2023_12_05 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2024_03_05 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2024_06_04 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2024_09_03 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

2024_12_03 CLG Meeting Minutes Final

CLG Agenda Final