Morlais on international stage

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Thursday June 1st, 2023

Morlais on the international stage at CPMR Atlantic Arc Commission

The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) Atlantic Arc Commission held its 2023 General Assembly in Cardiff recently. Morlais had a place at the top table with CEO, Andy Billcliff addressing delegates in the session on cooperation in offshore renewable energy.

The event was seen as an opportunity to celebrate the partnership between Atlantic regions in the face of new and long-term challenges including the climate emergency, Brexit, and the war in Ukraine. The conference also saw Welsh Government commit to being 100% reliant on renewables by 2035.

Senior representatives from UK, European and Canadian governments attended the event, bringing together 150 Regions from 24 States, representing around 200 million people. The CPMR established in 1973, operates as a think tank and as a lobby for regions through its network of contacts within the EU institutions and national governments.

Delegates heard about Morlais in a session on ‘Fostering Cooperation on Offshore Renewable Energy in the Atlantic’. Andy Billcliff explains: “This was an important opportunity to raise the profile of Morlais on the international stage and to showcase the work taking place here in Wales as we take positive action in the shift to renewable energy.

“We were proud to be at this high-profile conference, representing Wales and Anglesey. There was a huge amount of interest in the many conversations I had with colleagues from across the sector, including Welsh Government and potential partners from further afield.”

The conference which was held simultaneously in several languages including Welsh, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish also heard from Mark Drakeford MS, First Minister of Wales and Vaughan Gething MS, the Minister for Economy. They confirmed the Welsh Government’s commitment to working with international partners to tackle the major issues under discussion at the conference including climate change, nature and democracy.

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